Wednesday, June 10, 2009

14 sleeps to go...

This is going to be my travel blog as I tootle around the UK countryside doing research for my next-but-one novel, visiting family and friends and generally having a great time relaxing.

There will be photos. Lots of photos.

There will be new friends met, ones I only know through the internet so far. And I plan to do some serious bragging while in Dallas - they think Texas is big? Wait till I tell them the sizes of some of our cattle stations over here *snortgiggle*

So, 14 sleeps to go, the Tardis to be updated with all my necessary photos (to show the family) and music and other stuff - leaving room for all the new stuff of course.

And for all the Dr Who fans out there who thought this might be a Dr Who blog - well there will be some Dr Who mentions as I am going to Cardiff, but the next post will have a photo of my Tardis - which is sooooooooooooo much bigger on the inside!


Sharyn said...

Just getting a teensy bit excited? The comment option only showed when I clicked on the archive blog post link. Travel safe, have much fun *g*

Tropical Dragon said...

If you click on the 'comments' link then you get this nifty 'Leave your comment' box, unless for the first one you don't get this nifty box.

Hmm, will investigate.

Jo said...

Glenda Larke said...

hi there...have fun!

I remember they used to sell a postcard in West Australia that was an outline of the state with - fitted inside to scale, each separated from the next - NZ north and south islands, Texas, UK and Japan. And there was still room to spare.